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Erie Sports Commission Awards Second Half of Matching Grants

Erie Hunt Saddle Club

The Erie Sports Commission announced the second round of its 2024 Facility Matching Funds Grant Program, awarding five facilities. This year saw a record number of applications, and a total of $60,000 was distributed among 10 organizations. The first round of recipients included Sinai Sports, ASCEND Erie, Papa’s Sports Warehouse, Hagerty Family Events Center and Eastland Bowl. The second round of recipients are: The Erie Hunt and Saddle Club, LECOM Sports Park, Flo Fabrizio Ice Center, McDowell Baseball Boosters and American Power Gym.

The Erie Sports Commission’s Facility Matching Funds Program was established in 2018 to provide grant funding to Erie County facilities capable of hosting sporting events that generate tourism. A dollar-for-dollar match is provided for approved facility improvements.

The Erie Hunt and Saddle Club was awarded $10,000 for stall renovations to increase their ability to host events.

LECOM Sports Park was granted $10,000 to assist in the construction of The Summit Room, which will be used for various activities including a warming space and check-in area for tournament participants.

Flo Fabrizio Ice Center was awarded $6,000 towards the purchase of a sound system, including new speakers and microphones, to support figure skating and hockey tournaments and events.

McDowell Baseball Boosters received $3,000 towards baseball field improvements that will attract travel teams to enter tournaments in Erie.

American Power Gym received $1,000 towards the purchase of strict curl equipment that can be used at powerlifting meets.

To view the Facility Grant Program check photos, click here. For more information on the program, its history and past awardees, click here.